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With the recent news about Coronavirus (COVID-19), we have fielded several questions about the virus and swimming pools/hot tubs. Following is a statement from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control):According to the CDC, there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and disinfection (e.g., with chlorine and bromine) of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID-19.

To Journal or Not to Journal; That is the Question

I wanted to start off with an “inspirational Wednesday” post. Maybe something with a cute picture with a nice saying on it that leads into the post…but is that what Pool Refs stands for?? Is that appropriate for a business blog?

Can this be more than just a business blog??

I have already “journal-ed” about favorite things, foodie posts and some personal tid bits about our life. I find no harm in that.

But to dig in to my most inner thoughts? Not sure if that is appropriate.

Most business blogs are blogging about what they do as a company, they have guest bloggers blogging about tips and tricks for your pool/home. They have what the company has been up to the past week/month.  Should I put something inspirational and thoughtful?

Is my fear about whether or not it is appropriate or is it negative comments, or letting my faith shine through?? Do our clients need to know about our companies denomination? Do they need something that could brighten their day? That last question sounds like a yes.

So maybe tomorrow will be inspirational Thursday…if I can find the gumpf to allow myself to write about something inspirational.
